Tonight, more than 116,000 Australians will be without a home. 60 per cent of them are women, and 17 per cent are children under 10 years old. Think about that. They look like you and me. Only 6 per cent of this number are ‘rough sleepers’ – the rest are sleeping in cars, on trains and on the floors of acquaintances. More than 30 per cent of them are fleeing violent homes and relationships, while 22 per cent have lost their job or struggling with finances. Scarily, this number is set to rise. The COVID-19 pandemic is estimated to boost homelessness to more than 136,000 people every night, by 2021. In NSW alone, that number will be nearly 53,000 people – up 40 per cent, since 2016. My team and I have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to put this campaign together. SLEEP WITH DIGNITY is a campaign that is backed by Channel Nine. If you want to play your part in pushing forward humanity and join us in seriously helping to end homelessness in Australia, please email me… Let’s connect and continue this conversation. #sleepwithdignity #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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