Being humble doesn’t mean discounting your value my darling.

Being humble doesn’t mean discounting your value my darling.

Express yourself. Hold your own. Don’t apologise for who you are.

Have the courage to defend yourself and stand up for the things that matter.

Be brave.

You have always had the power, but you must learn it for yourself.

Ignore what everyone else is doing.

Pay no mind to the naysayers.

Most of them aren’t living life to their potential so why are you listening to them?

Continue being weird.
Continue being different.
Stand out from the crowd.

Be relentless in the pursuit of your dreams. They are unique to you for a reason.

What you came here to do, you have been practicing over many lifetimes. Don’t forget this.

Trust me, it eventually gets better without any sort of explanation.

One day you realise that you are no longer upset, mad, hurt, or bothered by the things that used to take so much of your energy and your thoughts.

You will find yourself in a peaceful place. Enjoy that feeling. When you practice inner peace long enough, it becomes you and you become it.

When peacefulness becomes your way of life, that is when you can transcend to become Fearless, Stress Free and Unshakeable in this beautiful game called Life.

It will always happen, they will mock you and try to kill your dreams.

They can’t kill your dreams so they try to assassinate your character.

People are always afraid of what they do not understand.

Keep strong the gatekeepers of your mind and your heart.

Don’t let them touch you my darling.

Don’t let them touch you.


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