❤️Happy Birthday to Me❤️

So, I just turned 50 and bought myself a tuxedo with tails. Custom made. Because I can. Some understandings I choose to celebrate at half a century young…. The degree to which a person can grow is in direct proportion to the amount of truth they can accept about themselves without running away. Those who have the courage to consistently walk down the long hall of mirrors inevitably experience the joy for existence and give Life to Life. When we boldly declare that we are already the living proof of what we are trying to become, we accelerate the process of becoming, so that we may celebrate life as that which we have always been. Who we are becoming is who we have always been in secret. Oh, what a relief it is to relax and trust that the ME that I have kept from the world is THE ONE that is saving me now. If we want to be happy, we have to be happy on purpose. Happiness is only real when shared. Life can become incredibly profound when we normalise saying the words “I Love You” to those we truly love. People don’t like it when our truth is louder than their façade. Hurt people hurt people. Healed people heal people. Normal is in the eye of the beholder. The Feeling is the Secret The real pandemic is our disconnection with Nature. Courage is a love affair with the unknown. Your thoughts and your feelings have something to do with your destiny. How you think and how you feel will create your life. Choose wisely. It’s all about emotional regulation baby. My sexuality and my sensuality is my fucking birthright. How I choose to express myself is none of your business. True freedom is having the courage to be disliked. People will try to tell you who you are. Don’t believe that shit. ❤️Happy Birthday to Me❤️

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